"" Itch lotion Kharish ka lotion in Pakistan

Itch lotion Kharish ka lotion in Pakistan

introduction: In this article we will tell you Kharish ka lotion in Pakistan And what isitch?,Whatt are the symptoms ofitch?,Youu will find everything in thisarticle:,Kharishh k liye cream, quick itch, any itch in the body, its treatment will be offered, Godwilling;, just read this entirearticle;, it will be useful. 

Kharish ka lotion in Pakistan
Kharish ka lotion in Pakistan

What is scabies?

Scabies is an itchy disease caused by tiny mites called Sarcoptes scabiei.

1. byhands




5.The genitals



Protect your health, take care of hygiene, make informdecisions,ons and get treatment from your docttoday.day 

What are the symptoms of scabies?

What are the symptoms ofscabies,s and what do the symptoms include?
Itching, often severe and usually worse at night
Light, thin lines on the skin with tiny blisters or pimples
Scabies typically develops in the skin's layers. Scabies is most common in adults and children, but it can occur anywhere on the body.
In adults and older children, the rash usually appears:
1.Between the fingers
2.In the armpits
3.Around the waist
4.Along the inside of the wrists
5.On the inner elbows
6.On the soles of the feet
7.Around the breasts
8.Around the male genitalia
9.On the hips
10.On the knees
Itching Rashes in infants and young children frequently show up in:
11.The skull
12.The palms of the hands
13.The soles of the feet

What are the causes of itching?

Prolonged skin-to-skin contact with an infected individual is often how scabies is spread. These include not being in close contact with a person with scabies, using items from a person withscabies, and, being in crowds where people with scabies are present. 

kharish ka lotion
Itch lotion

Dear readers, most people need treatment for itching. Question: Today we will tell you how to make a lotion that you can make at home and save. Itch, whatever it may be, with grainy or scaly substance that darkens the skin, will be completely cured after a few days of use,e and, God willing, the itch will be gone. 

Ingredients for making an itch lotion 

1.Paraffin wax ten grams
2.Style alcohol ten grams
3.White vaseline hundred grams
4.Perchloride of mercury seven grams
5.Sahaga five grams
6.Sodium benzoate two grams
7.Distral water half a liter 

How to make an itch lotion 

First of all, heat the distilled water and dissolve it by adding sahaga powder, then dissolve the perchloride of mercury in it, and finally dissolve the sodium bisuate, take a bowl and add paraffin wax style alcohol and  Add Vaseline and melt it on a low flame. As soon as it all melts, take it off. Gradually add water and thoroughly whisk.  Add 2 grams of desired fragrance and taste 

 How to apply lotion 

Apply a small amount of lotion on your body. Apply a mixture of mustard oil and water to the body after ten to fifteen minutes. After 30 minutes, use lukewarm water to take a bath. In a few days, any kind of itching will disappear, God willing.
What are the preventions of scabies?

 To prevent scabies from returning or spreading to others, follow these methods to get rid ofscabies.s

 Immediately heat clothing,towels,s and bedding in the sun or wash with soapywater.r

 Dry clean items that cannot be washed at home in a plastic bag and close the non-washable items in a separate place for a fewweeks.  They will die withouteating.g 

What are the home remedies for scabies?

 Let your skin cool and soa.- Itching can be reduced by soaking in cold water or bathing twice a day or using a cool, damp washcloth on the irritated areas of your skin.

 Use a soothing lotio—calaminee lotion, which is available without a prescription, can successfully treat the pain and itching of minor skin irritations.

 Antihistamines canhelp.  You may find that over-the-counter antihistamineshelp.  Allergic symptoms caused by itching if your doctor recommends them.

 Frequently Asked Questions

 1. What are the symptoms of scabies?

 Symptoms include severe itching and hives, usually on the fingers, wrists, armpits, neck, and between the legs.

 2. How is scabies treated?

 Treatment includes medications such as topical creams or oral medications, along with thorough cleaning of clothing andbedding, and use of an itch lotion. 

 3. What does the rash look like?

 Appears asblisters.  Red bumps appear as blisters, or raised lines on the skin, and are often accompanied by intenseitching.g

 4. Is there a specific lotion to treat scabies?

 Yes, medicated lotions prescribed by healthcare providers help kill scabies and relieve symptoms.