"" Pregnancy Precautions womans first trimester of pregnancy

Pregnancy Precautions womans first trimester of pregnancy


Pregnancy Precautions womans first trimester of pregnancy

pregnancy pregnant womans first trimester of pregnancy during pregnancy

pregnancy pregnant womans first trimester of pregnancy during pregnancy how about pregnant early pregnancy precautions month pregnant

early pregnancy care

Pregnancy Precautions 

Pregnancy Precautions During Pregnancy It is very important for a woman to take care not to eat foods that cause constipation and if you feel any bloating, do not eat bread or rice once or twice but only soup ghee. Add it and drink it or peel two or three handkerchiefs

The pregnant woman should not force her feet to fall on the ground while walking and should not run in the same way Do not come down with a sigh of relief, but do not run up and down the stairs, but climb slowly, taking care that the abdomen does not move too much, does not allow the abdomen to jerk, does not carry heavy loads, does not work hard and does not grieve. Don't get angry, don't take medicine, don't smell too much

Pregnant women should get in the habit of walking because sitting and lying down all the time increases bloating and lethargy, stomach gets upset and constipation occurs.

Pregnant women should not sleep with their husbands, especially before the fourth month and after the seventh month.

If a pregnant woman starts vomiting, use mint sauce or nutritious lemons.

If she is in the habit of miscarriage, then she needs to be very careful after four months and then after seven months. It is better to avoid hot foods. Work and if there are any signs of miscarriage such as water leakage or bleeding, seek treatment from a doctor immediately.

If a pregnant woman has a habit of eating mud, then it is very important to give up this habit.

If the pregnant woman loses her appetite, give up sweet and poultry foods and eat simple foods.

  Better diet and precaution than treatment in this condition

   Some pregnant women get swollen feet. This is not a dangerous thing. Swelling goes away on its own.